Sunday, April 19, 2009


As I was reading I found it interesting that Qutb states, "This legal formulation is based on the principle that Islam--that is, submission to God--is a universal Message which the whole of mankind should accept or make peace with"(131). He defines Islam as the submission to God and he claims that we should only follow the rule of God. He also says that "every individual [should be] free to accept or reject [Islam]"(131). Qutb follows that statement by saying that it is "the duty of Islam" to enact violence against anyone who does not accept or tries to prevent people from accepting Islam. Qutb says that Islam wants peace but in order to get peace they must use violence and Jihaad. How can there really be peace if people are forced to a religion? The ideal of Islam (according to Qutb) is that God is the only ruler, but what Qutb fails to see is that there will need to be some form of interpreters of God's word. Any form of law be it God's or man's cannot be enforced without some ruling power. These interpreters will naturally gain power and will be able to enforce God's word however they please.
I do understand that sometimes with violence comes peace, but when the violence is imposing beliefs onto people peace does not often occur. The whole concept of God's laws being enforced without anyone to enforce them just does not make sense to me. It is not clear how someone can think that everyone will interpret the laws the same without someone telling them how to interpret God's word.

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