Tuesday, March 17, 2009


One conclusion that we can make about make about human behavior by looking at the movie “Eternal Enemies,” is that we humans are bound to meet conflict in our daily lives amongst each other and that there is always going to be competition. Right now in our society we can see that there is a competition for jobs and this because jobs are what lead to us being able to provide for our families. It is as if we indirectly fighting for resources. We too look to take territory when we can, just as the Americans looked to expand their colonies and intrude on the Native American’s land, and then later on when we stole the western land of the Mexicans and we are willing to kill other humans in order to obtain that land. Humans also have split up themselves into, “clans,” known now as countries. However, unlike the animals in the movie that we viewed, we actually have morals and an intellect that should tell us when we have gone too far. Clearly we have ignored these impulses in history’s past. When looking at today’s society we can see that there is much violence that results in robberies and stealing in the poorer areas of that nation. One reason for this is that some people feel that this is the only way for them to succeed in obtaining some necessary resources. We as humans should know that we shouldn’t have to use such violent tactics in getting things. It seems that many impoverished people feel that they need to do this because of an unfair system, the animals in the movie though seem to be working under a system that is no different for anyone in that clan. We as humans have no stayed with a system a clear-cut as the animals in this movie have.

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