Sunday, March 22, 2009

In essays eleven through seventeen, Nietzsche mentions about how there is a differenct between "evil" and "bad" even though they are in fact both of them are the opposite of good. He explains this by saying there are two different concepts of good, that the nobel man's "good" is what the man of resentment calls "evil." Nietzsche also bring up birds of prey and lambs and that lambs may consider birds of prey to be evil, because they kill lambs and it may be considered that lambs consider anything unlike birds of prey to be good. The lambs determine what is good by resentment and that since the lambs resent the birds of prey they are not considered to be good. However, Nietzsche does not feel that it is wrong for birds of prey to kill, and that to expect them not to kill would basically expect them not to exist at all. Lastly Nietzsche states how there is a struggle between "good and bad" and "good and evil" and that "good and evil" has prevailed.

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