Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Poor Baby Cubs ='(

The movie “Eternal Enemies” depicted the relationship between hyenas and lions as well as many other animals that are affected in the great “circle of life.” One inference about human behavior that one could draw from the movie is that in many ways humans and animals act very similarly. The movie portrayed one aspect of competitiveness between the hyenas and lions in which they had to be aggressive in order to hunt and catch their food. They were also competitive when it came to gaining and maintaining their territory. Humans, even though unconsciously at some times, portray these same actions, and when a person does not get what they want, they will go to extreme measures which may result in confrontations, arguments, and even war. Darwin explains the theory of survival of the fittest in which species that are more willing and able to adapt to changes are the ones that will ultimately survive and reproduce offspring in the next generation. The hyenas and lions who were one of the weaker ones in its pack would ultimately die because they are unable to get the resources they need for themselves. Another way in which humans and animals are similar is their competiveness to pick a “worthy” mate, so that their good genes can be passed down to the next generation. For humans, we pick companions that we feel we will work well with as well as feel protected and safe with. Humans and animals both portray this idea.

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