Sunday, March 29, 2009

The River Between

The book, The River Between, serves to point out some of the major flaws of religion. In this story there are two different religious view points; one is on one side of the river and the other view, on the other side. One side believes in the traditional tribal practices of the region, while the other side has begun adopting the “white man’s” Christian ways. Throughout the story we read about the different conflicts that these two sides have with each other. However, as we continue to read we learn that there aren’t so many differences between the two sides believes as first appears. This book really exploits the fact that these two organized religions are so quick to criticize the other. They are both so quick to say that the other one is wrong and evil without giving anyone a chance, there is no tolerance. Both sides believe that there is only one way to live your life and if you don’t live the same way that they do you are automatically labeled as wrong and evil, even if you are a good person. Both of these practices teach kindness yet neither of them seem to demonstrate that when looking at a different religion or different traditions. People also claim to practice these teachings yet, do they truly believe in these practices? Because as we can see in this book, that these people are not practicing all that they preach.

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