Monday, March 16, 2009

Our World: A Constant Hardship

Throughout our lives, mo matter how "secure" we are, something is always prone to lead us down a dark road. We see that in the natural world. For example, the hyena princess had a life of luxury and power ahead of her. But upon the death of her mother, she was stripped of all power and disowned from her pack. Same was for the lioness and her cubs. The cubs were living in protected seclusion until an unfortunate encounter with a cobra. In this world, events are bound to happen that take us from security and comfort and place us in chaos and uncertainty. We see it in today's world: people who work for companies over multiple decades loose their job due to economic pressure, the unfortunate events of September 11th, and that unfortunate day going back to my room from Wismer and I dropped my burger on the ground. No matter how high and mighty we may stand in this world, there comes a time where unforeseen forces will pull us down. It seems cruel and unfair, but to fight it is meaningless, for such foresight is impossible. We cannot account for every variable in the world. But as we see with the lions and the hyenas, you don't let things like that stop you from living. If they were to just give up after losing their place or their cubs, they would surely be food the next day. But they fight on, living as if it never happens. We do the same: losing that job doesn't mean to curl up and die, we don't simply run in fear of terrorism, and other meals do come around. We don't let hardships end our lives; like lions and hyenas we push through the tough times, for there is no other alternative.

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