Monday, March 16, 2009

I hate the cobra! :(


     I feel as though man still has some animalistic elements embedded in his nature that have endured over the years.  Although the film was very gruesome, violent and distasteful, I feel as though these situations translate into scenarios that we encounter daily but on a much smaller scale.   Humans obviously do not go killing each other in order to last until the next meal, but humans can do some pretty horrible things to one another. 

     When viewing this film, at first blush, one may quickly attest that the nature of humanity is in no way shape or form similar to that of the violent nature of the hyenas and lions in the film.  Over the years, we have witness the cruelty imposed by humans on one another.  The first instance which comes to mind is the Holocaust.  One man, with the help of others attempted to exterminate an “inferior” race.  He used violent methods to achieve his desired ends.  Genocides in general are clear examples of the brutality imposed by humans on one another.  These disgraces on humanity have shown that we may be just as horrific as the animals featured in the film. 

     We see, each day, people often ostracize one another for being different.  Princess the hyena was segregated from her herd from an illogical reason.  Humans continually segregate themselves from people that they view to be inferior.  During the nineties, homosexuals for ostracized for their sexual preferences; during the sixteen hundreds puritans burned “witches” at the stake.  It is evident that since the beginning of time, humanity has been ostracizing and attempting to eliminate the lesser race. 

    In conclusion it is seen throughout the evolutionary and recorded history of man that we do not different as much as we would like to think from the animals viewed in the film.  We still have elements of greed, inferiority and subjugation embedded in our human nature.  From this perspective we can see that we are not that different from the animals that we treat as inferior organisms.  

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