Monday, January 26, 2009

The Sad Truth


    I am not exactly sure why, but I am not that comfortable with the idea of paid gestational surrogacy.  It almost “rubs me the wrong way,” in a sense.  It seems as though it has really become popular the past few years.  It has been featured in the media, in sitcoms, movies such as “Baby Mama” and in books.  I just don’t really think this should be an issue in which the government needs to step in.  It doesn’t harm anyone and is not a violation of anyone’s rights, in my opinion.  It just seems to violate the unspoken morals that I have. 

     On one hand, I feel as though it is okay for a woman to go through with this.  Although money is exchanged, I don’t view it as a business as many people do.  I simply view it as one woman helping another.  It is upsetting (and the sad truth) that teenage girls can get pregnant by accident several times, but some women who are responsible and ready to have a child cannot.  I could understand why they wouldn’t chose adoption.  The women who opt for the use of a surrogate mother usually want to feel as though they are a “part” of their child.  They want to share characteristics with their offspring.  Not being able to have child is a scaring experience for a woman to endure and this is the closet possible way their dream can still exist.  It is safe for me to say that I understand where women in this situation are coming from.

     On the contrary, I just do not think it is right.  I hold the traditional viewpoint in this situation that child birth should be done the way it has for many years. A man and woman have a child together.  I do not think science should be involved with this.  Once science becomes involved things such as cloning and genetic selection-like things occur.  Once gestational surrogacy becomes legal, it will be legal to clone and perform genetic selection because it almost acts as an opening of “Pandora’s Box.”

     In turn, I do not think the legality of this issue needs to be necessarily stopped by the government, or enforced.  It should not even be spoken about by the government.  Women are allowed to do as they wish with their bodies.  I just do not agree with the whole concept, but I can understand where women are coming from by wanting to have a special bond with the children they cannot literally have.  

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