Sunday, January 25, 2009

Locke on Human Nature and it's Resources

Throughout his essay, Locke made references for the reader to believe human nature is good, “God, who hath given the world to men in common, hath also given them reason to make use of it to the best advantage of life and convenience.” I believe Locke felt that human nature allowed each man to be created and treated equally. Human nature allowed each man to have the same resources. According to Locke, a man should be entitled to have as much land as his labor could take care of. Therefore, every man had an equal opportunity of having the same amount of property and resources.

At first, I believed Locke thought resources are abundant. He believed the world was a large and bountiful place, “that every man should have as much as he could make us of, would hold still in the world, without straightening anybody, since there is land enough in the world to suffice double the inhabitants,” (17). Locke believed that as long as people took only the amount of land they needed and would benefit from resources would be extremely abundant. However, if people were greedy and took more land than they needed resources would be scarce.

As far as how valuable the world and environment is, I believe Locke felt it had inherent value. The more labor put into the earth, greater and more resources are abundant. I believe Locke felt the earth would reward people for the labor they put into it.

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