Monday, January 26, 2009

Just as John Locke said everyone has a right to own property, every person has a right to have a child. Paid gestational surrogacy gives numerous couples an opportunity to have a child when they wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. However, I believe a couple must meet certain guidelines to apply for a surrogate mother. The guidelines would be if it were a gay male couple, the mother has fertility problems or health restrictions. However, if the couple wanting a surrogate pregnancy is completely able to have a child I do not think it should be allowed. If a woman is not willing to sacrifice their body to have a child, that woman should not have a child. Sacrificing her body would be the first of many things she would have to sacrifice as a mother, and if she is unable to make one sacrifice, I doubt she would be able to make the others. For women who have infertility problems, gestational surrogacy is a nice option besides adoption; the child would be able to have the same genes as the mother and father. For a gay couple, it would create the opportunity for one partner to be the child’s actual father. It would also be a safe way to have a child if the mother had health restrictions.
On another note, a woman should be allowed to use her body however she pleases. If she wants to be a surrogate mother she should be allowed to be one. However, I think there would have to be proper terms of agreement between the inquiring couple and the surrogate mother. A contract would have to be drawn up and signed.

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