Sunday, January 25, 2009

pop, locke, and drop it ;)

I believe that John Locke views human nature as both bad and good. On one side of the spectrum, he states that God gave the world to “men in common” to labor over and take care of. God trusted the animals, soils, and fruits of the earth to men; so that means humans have to portray some good traits, right? If humans are trustworthy enough to shape and grow God’s earth, then that must mean that we are good enough to do that. On the other hand, Locke also mentions how if men wastes their property, such as letting fruit spoil, that they should be punished. Also, when Locke started to talk about money, it seemed that he was making comments referring to the wastefulness of humans, such as “ And thus came in the use of money; some lasting thing that men might keep without spoiling”. And this way of thinking has not changed much since Locke’s time; money is wasted now more than ever each day.Also, Locke believes that resources on earth are abundant. Locke stated that, “every man should have as much as he could make use of” and “there is land enough in the world to suffice double the inhabitants.” The world, then, is of course valuable with its many resources for man to acquire and labor over. It only becomes a wasteland once people start to waste its products.

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