Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Legally, I think paid gestational surrogacy should be allowed. Yes, there are plenty of moral reasons to swing the vote either way, but legally the government should not prohibit a woman and a sterile married couple from having a baby. I mean, if a woman really wants to let a baby grow inside her, who is not related to her in any way, and get money for it, then so be it. As long as everyone’s rights are honored, and the “host” mother does not get emotionally attached or anything crazy, then there should not be any problems with the agreement.
But then again, I am not so sure the government should support this view point. I guess this also kind of goes along with the topic brought up yesterday in class about prostitution. Legally, if a man or woman wants to pay someone to have sex with them, then what’s the problem? If a couple wants to pay a woman to borrow her womb for nine months, then what’s the problem?
Morally, I don’t agree with prostitution. And I’m not so sure I agree with gestational surrogacy either. Yes, it is nice for a couple to be granted with a baby if adoption isn’t working out for them. And it is nice for a homosexual couple to be granted with a baby when naturally they cannot have one on their own. But if the government allows this kind of technology to be used, how much farther will science go in creating life?
A comedian once said, “The Vatican is against surrogate mothers. Good thing they didn't have that rule when Jesus was born.” True dat.

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