Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Still Dreaming

Forty-six years ago, I had a dream. It was a dream of a land full of equality, justice, and peace between all people. In my dream, people looked past the judgments of skin color, religion, or sex. And today, I can wake up to find my dream is coming true. In 1963, as I stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, America still lived in a land where white people and black people did not use the same restrooms, water fountains or benches. But from that day on, I have seen change. And the pinnacle of this change occurs today with the inauguration of President Barack Obama. President Obama noted that, sixty years ago, he would not be able to sit down and be served in a restaurant. But today he has stood before us and has taken an oath to lead this country; a country that is now full of African-American politicians, athletes, actors, doctors, teachers and heroes looked up to by many. From the years of slavery and racial injustice, African-Americans have finally been granted our unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; we can now vote, be educated and strive for whatever life we want to live. But there is still a long way to go before every man and every woman on earth will be accepted and be granted the freedom that rings throughout the mountains of the world. Whether it is religion, race, or sexual orientation, judgments are still made and justice is not always granted. My dream will be complete the day every girl and boy can hold hands and truly shout out “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

1 comment:

  1. ok, so I have another question:
    Is true freedom possible?
    Will there be a day when people are truly free--no. Thoreau once stated that the best government is one that does not govern at all. This is not possible. I will not be able to get out of paying taxes...
