Monday, January 19, 2009

Progress in Equality

January 20th, 2009 will be a momentous day in the history of the United States and the history of African Americans. Fifty years ago we could only dream of an African American president and today that dream has become reality. Barack Obama’s election proves that we have made much progress in opening the doors of opportunity to all of God’s children. African American’s are no longer thought of as inferiors and are embraced as colleagues in education and the workplace. Children are raised without learning the racism known by their parents and grandparents.
Although we have traveled far on the road to equality, a form of racism remains ingrained in society. While whites and blacks may attend school together, it has become evident that there is an epidemic in today’s inner city schools, in which they are not getting the proper funds or quality of teachers that more suburban schools receive. This distinction in education thus gives more opportunities for success in the job market to whites. The poor education of the African American youth creates a hole in which these children remain stuck in city slums without the proper tools to help them achieve success.
Therefore, we must continue to have our voices heard, so that we may challenge all injustice and create true equality between races. Whites and Blacks alike must work to erase any old prejudices that have been passed down through the generations. The jangling discord of our nation has not quite transformed into the beautiful symphony of brotherhood, but with Obama’s leadership and guidance, hopefully the United States will see the changes it needs to become a great country.

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