Monday, January 19, 2009

I miss JJ and Cassie. Lets go Steelers!!!

Long ago the Emancipation Proclamation was made in hopes that it would put a end to all racism and our race could live normal lives. However, racism is still more alive than ever and race is still a huge problem between blacks and whites. Blacks were supposed to have the same rights as whites. America promised all equality when the Declaration of Independence was made but us blacks have been short changed on our rights. We know equal rights are a possibility and now is the time for everyone to stand up against racism. So we won't stop until there is equality, and for those who think we will stop are mistaken. Our movement won't stop until we all have equal citizenship rights. Although our cause is just, we must have our voices heard peacefully. The law must not be broken within this process or all our work will have been done for nothing. Even though one of the problems lies within whites and blacks, not all whites believe in suppressing us, some of them are among us now to support our cause. We must not be satisfied with our effort until all blacks are treated as equals. Now we must go back to our homes with our heads held high with the though of victory over racism. For I have a dream, a dream that segregation and racism will end. I have a dream, a dream that one day whites and blacks will one day be friends. A dream that even states fully immersed in racism will no longer. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a world without racism. I have a dream that all wrongs will soon be righted and with your faith and help, we will have equality. For America to become a great nation all racism and segregation must end.

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