Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Proccess of a Dream Coming to Life

Looking back at the trials of Negros in America, much progress has been made. From being shackled and beaten as slaves, to entering a delusion of false rights, the African-American race is nearly, truly, and forever free. By legal standards, the African-American person is already considered free. But unfortunately, there are still those that wish us harm; that wish us to not be worthy of equal rights. These people are your brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends. The problem now is with the everyday person denying rights that are now legally due to the African-American person. We see it every day: our police force showing unnecessary brutality on persons who by law are still considered innocent. Cults are organizations who devote time and resources to "enslaving" or "cleansing" us. While legal code says we are free, we still face much hardship in social confrontation. But, to those that wish to deny the African-American of his or her due rights, their days are numbered. Many non-African-American citizens accept us now as their neighbors and friends, protecting us with the hands of the law, now adjusted to be our arbitrary guardian, as well as with morals of treating any and all who are able to maintain character the same as any other person with the same respect. So to those who show us hatred, hear this warning. Your numbers dwindle. You now become a minority in itself. And although you may spit on us while the lady of Justice is not looking, she hears more and more about this hatred, and more and more she acts to our favor. We may not be entirely free from the hatred of society, but with the continuing support of the American community and our courts and laws, freedom is just over the horizon.

1 comment:

  1. Are there any occasions when whites are discriminated against?
