Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The legality of surrogacy is not a question it is a right!

The ability to have a child, to make a family with someone you love is something which so often we take for granted. Couples across the globe are not so fortunate. For many, the desire to have a child, to be parents, is so important to them. Maybe the mother is infertile, maybe the father is infertile, or perhaps the couple is homosexual, but for whatever the reason, if the couple is loving and can support a child why should they not have the right to have a baby? To deny them this right would be akin to denying people the right to have children. In general, I would say adoption is more widely accepted than surrogacy. But, is adoption so different than surrogacy? In adoption you are adopting a child that is not biologically yours. In surrogacy, the child can be biologically yours, depending on the circumstances of the surrogacy; it is just that another woman is carrying your child. What I don’t understand is how some people can make the judgment that surrogacy is wrong or immoral unless they have been in a situation where they were unable to conceive. To me, it would be wrong to make surrogacy illegal, especially since those that would make it illegal would most likely not be in the minority of people who need to use surrogacy. The right to have a child is a right. It is not something that should be appropriated to some and not all, especially since there are ways, such as surrogacy and adoption, to make this a possibility. It is important that both parties, the couple and the surrogate mother understand all the terms of the arrangement, prior to entering into a contract, so as to avoid any technical issues. With such technicalities out of the way, surrogacy is nothing less than a medical miracle that gives couples the opportunity to have a child. It is a moral route for parents that should stay legal.

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