Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Bad Day to be White and Male

During my high school experience, males and females unfortunately did not have equal opportunities. However, males were not favored over females, but rather vice-versa. Male students were often treated by teachers as the “dumber” students and not given an equal amount of respect. I witnessed several times teachers staying after school to help female students as long as they needed. Male students would often approach teachers and be told, “I’m sure you can reason through it yourself” or even have teachers tell them that they could not help because they had pressing commitments at home. Yet this unequal treatment was not limited to the classroom. Administrators often would get male students into trouble for supposed sexual harassment just because a female alleged harassment. If a male were to complain of harassment from either another male student or a female student, he was often told that they would “look into it” and then no action would be taken. While so much inequality came from teachers and administration, students were much more equal amongst themselves. Chauvinist jokes were made now and then, however they were never meant in a truly hurtful manner. (At least amongst my group of friends) The students in my high school saw each other as equals and had no problems with females being in their classes or walking the halls with them. Truly, the only inequality came from the people in charge at my high school. Even then, the inequality was not against females like most would assume. Instead, inequality lashed back at the males in my high school.

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