Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don't Just Stand Back and Watch

The United States should clearly step in when situations like Cambodia arises. The super powerful and extremely wealthy state has obligations to the rest of the world, especially children specifically girls in this instance, to not allow the inhumane behaviors to continue. If America does not step in it seems as if we support the present day slavery that is occurring. Sex slavery or human trafficking is a sickening problem, that cannot be unrecognized and left unaddressed. Unfortunately, many Americans spend too much time concentrating on their selves instead of observing the situations occurring within the entire world. I understand that America should address the problems occurring within the United States, but I do not believe that should mean we should not come to other countries rescues when they are in extreme disarray. Yet, this problem not only exists in Cambodia but in America, as well. Although this problem is urgent, we must slowly and surely help the Cambodia women who are being sold for purposes of desire. First, we must provide support to the Cambodian women by letting them know that the United States wishes to assist them in coming out of their current state. Education must be a top priority when addressing the women. If women are provided the opportunity of getting an education, that does not force them into prostitution as a career, then certainly a solution has come about. Education will not only teach them basic skills so that they can get and maintain a job, but also teach the importance of using a condom. Perhaps the education should also teach about the prevention of STDs and AIDS. Also, America as the superpower has the ability to crack down on the Cambodia government and say that the laws need to be more strict when it comes to prostitution and kidnapping within their country. Whether the establishment of laws will help alleviate the problem or not, is still questionable. Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to think that America could buy every girl out of prostitution in Cambodia. But that does not mean we, as a humane country, should not step in and provide relief. As Jefferson says, borrowing from Locke’s Second Treatise, every person has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, in the state of Cambodia girls in brothels have known of the three. We as a liberalist society should not condone the happenings in Cambodia, and should not allow this to further. Although, we should not intervene with the use of military that will only distort the problem more.

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