Sunday, February 8, 2009

Not one thing..

When reflecting on the question whether males and females had equal opportunity in high school, I could not come up with one instance when one gender had more opportunity than the other. There were no gender specific classes, or even sports. If a girl desired, she could try out for the football team, or a boy could try out for the field hockey team; there was an equal amount of sports for boys and girls to participate in. Even in gym class for our presidential fitness tests, the boys had harder times to make than the girls. The goals were equally hard to achieve for either a boy or a girl. The only difference I saw was that boy’s athletic events were more attended than female’s. Which, I’m not positive why it happened to be that way other than males were often pictured more as the athletic types in our school.
However, the one thing I did notice was teachers favoring one gender over another. For instance, female teachers would side with female students more than the male teachers would. However, I feel that is rather normal, it is typical to side with people you are more alike. In the classroom, every person’s opinion was appreciated by everyone whether it came from a male or a female. In all of my classes, the ratio of boys to girls was very equal, and no gender had better grades than the other. I guess when it comes down to it, gender at my high school didn’t really matter. The only thing that mattered was your personality.

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