Thursday, February 26, 2009

Question "Marx"

I still do not understand how everyone can simply follow their passion, what they enjoy doing most, and still create a functioning productive society. I mean, yes, it would be wonderful if all of our passions could be careers, but wouldn’t we be left without anyone to do the dirty work? We can guess, but do we really know what Marx would say?

If we decide to create a society based upon “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” wouldn’t some exploit the system? What if I decided that I didn’t really want to work and then made up some reason that I did not have the ability to work anymore, I would still get everything I needed? Then how is that fair? If everyone was trying their hardest, it would be fair, but how can you judge that?

p.s. I love Marx's last makes for fun titles!

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