Sunday, February 22, 2009

this was fun to read...

Karl Marx has many dislikes of Capitalism. Marx starts off in the Communist Manifesto talking about opposition and class rivalry. He thinks that these class struggles will ultimately create internal tensions in society which will lead to destruction. He also thinks that Capitalism takes inspiring jobs, such as doctors, lawyers, and priests, and turns them into wage-laborers. Family sentiment has disappeared and has been replaced by strictly money relations. All people are simply instruments of labor, and as soon as people earn money from their employers, they lose it to their landlords. Marx strives for a society with equal ranking, where everyone works for themselves and there is no gradation of classes. Marx believes that just as capitalism replaced feudalism, communism will replace capitalism. Communism would lead to a stateless, classless society. Marx thinks that the bourgeois society is in the process of turning on itself and that over-production is threatening to end the bourgeois society. The fact that productive forces are restrained by the bourgeoisie cause many crises for the society. And as the capitalists try to fix these crises, more problems arise and reduce their chances to prevent future ones. So, the bourgeoisie ultimately hurt themselves when they took over feudalism. Capitalism exploits the workers and needs to constantly be expanding so the Capitalists can be in control everywhere. On the other hand, the expansion has led to many great discoveries and has created an increase of knowledge and technology, which Marx likes. I believe another part of Capitalism that Marx likes is the proletariat, mostly because he thinks the proletariat will overcome the bourgeoisie and end capitalism. But as we all know, capitalism is still how we do things these days. Nice try Marx.

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