Monday, February 9, 2009

Sex Slavery

Child prostitution is a horrendous form of slavery that needs to be uprooted and disposed of. This is not even a question. The question is whether the United States has an obligation to assist those that are under the oppression of child prostitution. I think the answer to this question is a definitive yes. However, the problem we must then address is what the appropriate way to go about taking action would be. Waging war against Cambodia would not be a helpful course of action. Instead of going to war there are many other venues we could take that would save many girls from the terrors that come with prostitution slavery. The best course of action would be to create clinics for girls and women that would offer a variety of services. Women in these prostitution rings more often than not are victims of HIV or AIDS. Many of these women eventually die in brothels from this preventable disease. These clinics would offer condoms for prostitutes so that hopefully they would have a chance to prevent contracting and spreading AIDS. More importantly, the clinics would provide information about and opportunities for jobs other than prostitution. If more of these victims had the knowledge of or the opportunity to escape prostitution many might escape the horrendous fate that sex slavery inevitably leads to. For those who choose to stay in prostitution for whatever reasons, hopefully eventually the stride towards knowledge of a better life will touch upon them and it won’t be too late for them to start a new life. The least we can hope for is that this would be a step in the right direction. A step towards getting people to realize that prostitution slavery is not acceptable and it is not a lost cause. I believe that my stance and liberalism do coincide on this subject. Liberalism is the protection of rights. The protection of whose rights, just those who live in the USA? No, it is the protection of all people’s rights. If we start now we can begin to make a difference in these girl’s lives.

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