Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oh Yes!

Karl Marx right in the beginning of the book states that he does not like the class systems that capitalism brings about. That the oppressed and the oppressor always get in arguments which result in a revolution, but in the end the only thing that gets resolved is that the classes get changed around again. He also seems to have a problem with how the classes get represented. That the bourgeoisie are the only ones that the state cares about after the development of the modern industry. Karl Marx has also believes that capitalism has made people only care about their own self interest and just worry about themselves. However, Marx does give capitalism some credit for the things that it does. He mentions that "The bourgeoisie…draws all…nations into civilization. It compels all nations…to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image" and with all the competition it has spurred new inventions and given people incentive to learn more. Although Marx does mention some good point of Capitalism, he mainly disagrees with it and tries to deter people from believing in it.

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