Monday, February 9, 2009

Because we can

While the selling of sex slaves is indeed a problem in the modern world, it is extremely difficult to find a solution the United States can implement that will apply to foreign countries. I gurantee that some will say that we should just have our army walk into Cambodia and level every brothel and pimp, then leave. This is the same short sightedness that caused Iraq to be such a disaster. To truly get a weed out of the garden, you can't just rip off the top, you need to tear out the roots as well. Simply destroying these businesses is not going to make the profession go away once the military leaves, they will just rebuild. The first step to stop this would be to build schools all throughout the country and provide education to these young girls so they are not so naieve as to be tricked into a prostitution ring. While that would cost a tremendous amount of money, it would be better spent that way than strong arming oil baring nations. The second would be to convince the government to take a stronger role in cracking down on prostitution in general, as well as far strictor penalties for those who deal in child prostitution. As tragic as it is, it is extremely unrealistic for the United States to buy the freedom of all the child prostitutes in Cambodia right now and we would probably just have to let them continue on until the government could internally put it down on their own. What we can do is donate the money and try to educate the children, and perhaps try to influence the elections or ruling party to get someone who will enforce strict child prostitution laws in power. Some could possibly argue that we have no right to barge into this country and tell their government how to run its country, or to try to curb the culture that exists there. To that suggestion I say too bad. America is one of the strongest nations in the world and if we seek to relieve the suffering of the victimized, so be it. Those in Cambodia are suppressing the rights of the young girls because of some leverage they have over them. Therefore we shall suppress the Cambodian sex ring leaders, because we have leverage over them in the fact that we can supress them. This would not be an imposition of will, we would of course ask the girls what they want to do. If they really want to sell their virginity for cash and enter a never ending cycle like that, so be it. But if they want an education and the chance to be a success in the real world, we can provide them that opportunity. They at least deserve the choice.

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