Sunday, February 8, 2009

Girls and Guys

From sixth grade to my senior year in high school I attended a private Quaker school. Something that the Quakers believe heavily in is that everyone has the light of God in them, and for this reason that everyone truly is equal. I learned all through high school to look for injustices and to no abide by them. My high school made sure that everyone had an equal right to do anything that they wanted to. My school gave equal opportunities not only when it came to what gender you are but also race, sexuality, or economic standing. There was never any classes that only had guys in them, or only white kids in them or anything like that. When it came down to academics or sports there was always and equal opportunity for both genders. This is something that I really appreciated about my high school. We were always taught that any sort of discrimination was absolutely wrong and unacceptable and we were taught to fight against such injustices whenever we encountered them. However, I do know that my high school was a very rare place and that it is much harder to find such acceptance and equality. Coming to a different institution I now see that there are more prejudice things that are said about different groups of people, not so much gender-wise but more racially.

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