Sunday, February 22, 2009


Marx does see positives in capitalism. He says that capitalism helps civilize the uncivilized nations and that it creates towns and nations. Marx also states that capitalism “rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life” (59). This means that instead of everyone being so far apart and not learning from one another, they are now closer together because of cities and can expand their knowledge from their own experiences. Marx also acknowledges that capitalism created “more massive and more colossal productive forces that have all preceding generations together” (59). Marx states that through capitalism nations have grown in knowledge and technology.
Marx, being the communist he is, sees flaws in capitalism as well. He claims that capitalism creates social stratification by creating classes based on economic standing. He thinks that those with less money and poor social standing will be subjected to worse jobs with no upward mobility. They will not get good wages and not be able to fend for themselves in a capitalist world. He believes that shopkeepers and handymen and tradesmen will become less profitable because they cannot compete with “Modern Industry”. In order for capitalism to fall Marx thinks that the lower class will have to rise up and try to overthrow the upper class so that they [the lower class] can impose their power.

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