Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I don't think the U.S. government should do anything to interfere with what is going on in Cambodia. Even though it is wrong that these girls are getting sucked into prostitution and being forced to stay in the business because of the debt to their owners, it is not really our business to interfere. I think the United States getting involved in too many situations, such as Iraq, and in turn it gives our country a bad reputation that we just want everyone to be just like us. It may not seem right but right now I feel that the only way the United States should get involved in any foreign situations is if it directly threatens our country and is vital to protect fellow citizens. Making sure that poor Cambodian girls don't get caught up in prostitution is not that vital to our citizens protection and wouldn't provide much benefit to our country if we ended prostitution in Cambodia. This obviously goes against liberalism. It would probably pretty close if not the exact opposite. My view would require us to turn our head to what is going on and to not protect those people's individual rights. However, I think it is important to pick your battles and this is not one the United States should get involved in. We have more important things going on with our own country, the recession, that we have to fix first.

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