Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kelly is the man!!!!

Both male and females in my high school were both given the same opportunities, however, whether or not males or females took advantage of them was a different story. There were no classes that were restricted to just males or just females but there were times when classes were unequally distributed with males and females. This doesn't mean that my school was sexist it was just how it was sometimes. There were classes that were required for us to take or else we could not graduate and these classes tended to be pretty split down the middle between guys and girls, but there were also elective classes. For these most of the kids in my school picked the classes depending on what their friends did because they didn't really matter and no one wanted to be bored taking them. So some of these classes males would outnumber females or females would outnumber males but it had nothing to do with either sex not being given the opportunity to take the class. Everyone in my high school was given the same opportunity to succeed.

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