Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Huh, we start out with slave girls and end with slave girls

As disturbing as slavery is in the 21st century, I do not believe that the United States has any right to fix the situation. It may seem like we should approach these other countries and eradicate the disgusting problem, yet it is not our right to do so. As the article said, it would be very difficult to free the sex slaves because paying for all of them to start new lives would just result in more girls entering the business so they could be “freed” and get paid for having been a sex slave. In addition, there is the issue that the cambodians do not truly see what they are doing as wrong. The fact that parents as selling their own children to slavery tells me that they feel there is some legitimacy in what they are doing. I feel that any action by the United States would be imposing our morals on another country and this should not be done. From a liberalist point of view, our country should not be doing anything, but rather the government in cambodia should be working to protect the young girls from slavery. I believe the only action that the United States could take would be political. By imposing economic and trade sanctions on countries that allow sex slaves, the United States in conjunction with the United Nations could force countries to create laws protecting girls from being sold into slavery. Yet the problem starts before even the government. As the article said, the one girl is a three grade drop-out and the other is illiterate. Schooling and education needs to be improved in these countries before almost anything else. Then girls would know that they have other options than slavery and some of the more brilliant students may even discover ways to change their country for the better.

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