Friday, February 6, 2009

wait, so we're different?

In high school, I played multiple sports and was enrolled in all the AP/IB classes possible.  All my friends, guys and girls, were the same way.  Honestly, I never thought there was a difference between the sexes.  Of course there were always the sexist jokes about sports teams and intelligence levels, but they were all in good fun.  When it came down to it, there were just as many All-American girl laxers as there were All-American guy laxers and attendance at the games were the same.  And our valedictorian was a guy just because he didn't have a social life (our top ten smartest students were five guys and five girls).  So, I can say whole heartedly that I never felt any different because I was a girl.  I was never swayed to not do anything nor did I feel that guys were steered in a special direction away from girls.  Maybe this is just because I grew up on Long Island, a place were mommy is racking in as much money as daddy, and maybe my high school experience reflects this.  (My principle was a woman and one of the four assistant principles was also a woman.)  I'm actually even having a hard time coming up with more to write because in every area that I can think of, there was an equal mix of guys and girls.  As a girl, and as a human being, I have nothing to complain about regarding gender difference in Northport High School.

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